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I traveled about 8 miles today.
hill work. This pic is from my trip last week to do a Camp Noah program in Norman, OK. UO is a beautiful campus and I got to explore most of it every morning on my walks. The Greek frats and sororities there are amazing, but it was like a ghost town in the 100+ degree heat of summer. My hike tracker seems to be working correctly now. Check out my current location on the map.
Practice Hike

I traveled about 7 miles today.
This spring, we had record rain which caused the trail
west of me to collapse and is still closed. So, I hike
3 miles to a hill and go up and down it until I'm too tir
ed to do more. Hopefully, that will be good enough prepa
ration for my big walk starting in 2 weeks.
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Posted: 07/28/2014
Posted: 07/28/2014
1000 Milers

The Ice Age Trail Association (IATA) has posted the 2014 Thousand Miler Tribute booklet containing overviews from the 14 people that completed the trail over the past year. Read the 2013 1000-Milers (1.1MB PDF) and see Papa Bear and I on pages 8, 9, and 16.
We are the #23 and #24 persons to thru-hike the Ice Age Trail, and #82 and #83 to complete the trail. 1,000 Milers includes folks that have segment hiked the trail and connecting routes since the first person in 1979.
The number of people completing the trail is steadily rising each year, in general. 2013 was the first year more than 2 people thru-hiked the IAT! Hopefully, it isn't just a spike like the 1000 Milers in 1999, but is an ongoing trend of more people enjoying this National Scenic Trail.
Hike On
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Posted: 06/06/2014
Posted: 06/06/2014
Look Up
Since it's had over 12 million views in the 10 days it's been out on YouTube, you've probably already seen this video. But, if you haven't, sacrifice 5 minutes of your life to hopefully change your view on how you're spending your life.
My favorite line in it - "Smart Phones and Dumb People".
I'd love to hear it set to some Rap Beat or Rock-n-Roll music. :-)
Hike On in the Real World
My favorite line in it - "Smart Phones and Dumb People".
I'd love to hear it set to some Rap Beat or Rock-n-Roll music. :-)
Hike On in the Real World
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Posted: 05/05/2014
Posted: 05/05/2014
LNT Master Educator Training

How would you like to camp in Moab, Utah for a week in September?
There will be a Leave No Trace Master Educator (LNT ME) course with 5 focus options - Frontcountry, Mountain Biking, Backpacking, Rafting, and Horseriding - from Sept. 15 to Sept. 20 at the BSA Entrada High Adventure Base. This is a Boy Scouts of America hosted training session, but is open to anyone interested in Leave No Trace training.
This is an opportunity for you to expand your LNT abilities and become authorized to train more LNT Trainers. There is need for more educators across the country, and your involvement will help other hikers minimize their impact on our trails.
See LNT Course page for details and registration.
Two of my LNT friend in Minnesota will be part of the training staff for this course - Lucky!
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Posted: 02/14/2014
Posted: 02/14/2014
Mile... Mile and a Half

"How much farther?"
"Oh, a mile... mile and half."
If you've ever, ever, ever done any long backpacking trips, you understand that question and response!
At any point on the trail, saying the destination is 8 miles or 5 hours away can be just devastating to morale. A mile... mile and a half isn't so far and we probably don't really know exactly how far it is.
It doesn't really matter anyway. We're out here to get away from deadlines, timelines, calculations, and machinations. So, the title of this entertaining 87 minute film, "Mile... Mile and a Half" perfectly sets the tone for the visually inspiring trek along one of the nation's most beautiful trails - the John Muir Trail.
I've had people mention I should wear a Go camera on my hat while hiking so I could post videos of my hikes on YouTube. My response is "How BORING would that be?" Mile after endless mile of trail with some cool views and quick glimpses of wild animals. To create an interesting movie that documents the challenges, rewards, camaraderie, scenery, and LIFE of a trail requires someone more artistic and imaginative than me.

Creating a film like this requires a lot of equipment. Heavy equipment! When you watch this film, you'll be surprised at the weight these people lugged over the mountains! That's one reason why, by far, my favorite character was Durand Trench, the sound guy. The amount of hi-tech stuff he muled across the Sierras is impressive. Best scene, besides all the times he jumped into frigid lakes, was his attempt to capture frogs singing.
I think Durand would be a way fun guy to hike with!
I certainly don't want to tell their entire story, but the general plot is: a group hikes the rigorous John Muir Trail to the highest point in the lower 48, in a year with extremely deep snowpack, meeting fellow backpackers along the way.
It's a simple plot that allows this bunch of artists to draft hiking into art - pretty cool. I enjoyed the quick 87 minutes, and I think you will too.

Wanting to get another perspective, since I've not hiked the JMT (yet), I let my Scouting friend that has hiked the trail a couple times watch it. He actually hiked part of the JMT less than 2 weeks before this film crew and wound up bailing out due to deep snow. Luckily, two weeks of July sun melted a lot away.
Anyway, here's what he said:
"Beautifully crafted by a talented group. I enjoyed it a lot because there were numerous spots in the film I had camped, stopped at or had taken photographs. They did a really nice job of catching the scenic qualities of the trail and the diverse types who inhabit the Sierras."
I, personally, would have liked a bit more information about the trail, the folks that built it, the history, the environment, and such. A minor wish.
There was one other bit at the end of the film that I appreciated - a quick acknowledgement that the group failed to adhere to Leave No Trace principles at all times. I admit I kept my eyes open for blatant "bad hiker" behavior in the film, but saw no major problems. By adding that blip, the film might turn some viewer onto LNT and ethical choices in the backcountry.
Buy the film, or get more information, at The Muir Project.
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Posted: 01/23/2014
Posted: 01/23/2014
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