Signaling for Help
One of the tasks you need to consider if you get lost or are injured and can not reach the trailhead, is a way to get attention of rescuers. Depending on the environment where you are stuck, you can signal for help in many different ways. It's a good idea to set up a few different ways, if you can.
Be sure to set up your signals in the most visible place available to you so they can be seen from as many directions as possible.
Call For Help

In the areas I hike, they seldom work so I've never taken one along.
If you don't mind the extra ounces of weight and space used up in your pack, then it won't hurt to have one. It would sure be courteous to the rest of us if you left it turned off and only really used it for emergencies. I can't think of anything more annoying than hearing a ringtone down the trail while I'm soaking up some sun on a rest break along the trail.
Another one that irked me last summer was being on top of an amazing mountain and having to listen to people calling home to say, "Hey, I'm on top of Mt. Whatever and it's amazing! Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, Blah, Blah, Blah, ..."
There are many other electronic devices available that you should consider, especially if you are thinking of solo hiking:
- Cellphone - while hiking close to populated areas or travel ways, your cellphone will probably have coverage. Even out in the wilds, you may get a signal. On wide open, flatlands the cell coverage is better. Hike to the top of a ridge and your chances go up also.
- Personal Satellite Devices - one-way or two-way devices that send (and possibly receive) text messages, emails, and tracking pings. There are new ones coming out annually, but some brands are SPOT Messenger, Garmin InReach, Zoleo, SomeWear.
- Satellite Phone - pretty much guaranteed two-way communication any place, any time. You can rent one for specific trips rather than purchase.
- Personal Locator Beacon - simple one-way satellite device. Activate when you want to be rescued and then wait for the calvary to show up.
- Cellphone Satellite Support - as cellphone coverage builds, we will soon have global coverage and all these other devices will be dinosaurs. Cellphones using satellites for more than just GPS pings will allow easy wilderness communication.
Rule of Three

If you are using a whistle, blow three distinct times and then wait 3 to 5 minutes and blow three blasts again. Continue to do this every 15 minutes or so.
Signal Mirror

There are specially made signaling mirrors with a hole in the center for sighting. But, any shiny surface can work - a compass, watch, knife blade, ... are all possibilities.
Sight the reflection on the distant target and keep signaling it until you get a response, such as the plane dipping its wings or the helicopter circling overhead.

When you have enough wood and material to create smoke, light the fire. You may want to wait until morning if it is already dark for the evening - chances of a search party coming out at first light is greater. On windy days, smoke will dissipate quickly so early morning tends to be less windy than evening, too.
Get your fire burning and then add smoke materials to create a large column of smoke. As you experiment, you can figure out how much material to add to create smoke but not smother the fire too much. Creating a large puff of smoke periodically rather than burning all your materials right away may increase your chances of being seen.
All Comments:
Apr 25, 2012 - Harry Jones
May 03, 2016 - alpha adventure
Jun 06, 2016 - Bob Comment
A Orion hand held smoke & flare kit, Mfg #536, which has smoke flare (for daytime locating)& red flare for nighttime locating.
Hard to find any store carrying these products so online ordering is likely to be required. West Marine & Bass Pro Shops have in their online stores and if sent to one of their stores, for in store pickup, you can save the Hazmat charge which is about $29.00
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